
My final reflection on my practicum

I have already finished with my lessons, six in total, 30 minutes each.
It was a challenging experience, because I had only few encounters with young learners before these ones. Trying to meet the expectations of the teacher and what was asked from me here, was a definite test on my knowledge about theory and practice. 
I didn't really like my first three lessons, but I loved the last three. It was hard for me to get used to kids not listening and getting bored two second after starting the activity. However, it was extremely rewarding, at the end of the third class, the students greeted me, they sang and remembered a lot of things!
Such an improvement from nothing to knowing a little! At the end of the sixth class, I was feeling happy for myself, because of their growth but, mostly for mine.

Though I am not so sure if I can do this everyday, because they are really demanding, I am certainly happy with the experience.



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