
Examples of Curriculum Development

The following is the second unit I worked this year with the Fifth Year of the Primary School, using the book "Endangered Animals" level 3 from Macmillan Publishing Company.

·         Animales
·         There is/are
·         Has got /Have got
·         Can / can’t
·         Present Simple
·         Because
·         Present Continuous
·         Adjectives

PROPÓSITO: Describir animales y dar consejos sobre el cuidado del medio ambiente.
TEMPORALIZACIÓN: 1 de Julio – 13 de Septiembre

1.       DEFINITION: What is the meaning of endangered? 
2.       LIST: What endangered animals do you know? 
3.       CROSSWORD: page 25, activity 1. 
4.       DEFINITION: Pollution 
5.       BRAINSTORMING: What types of pollution do you know? How does it affect animals?

1.       Pages 2-3-4: Escuchamos el audio y leemos entre todos.
2.       Diagram: Causes of endargement   
+ Water pollution
+ Air pollution
+ Cutting down trees
+ Hunting
3.       Matching: page 25, activity 2.
4.        Matching: page 26, activity 3.
5.       Answer the question: page 27, activity 4.
6.       Photocopy: What animals can be found in the book? 

7.       Pages 5-6-7-8-9: Escuchamos el audio y leemos entre todos.
8.       True/False: Ss write True or False. Page 28, activity 6. 

9.       Photocopy: Answer the questions. (responder a las preguntas)
o   Where do tigers live?
o   Why do hunters want tigers?
o   What do sharks have?
o   How many sharks are hunted every year?
o   What do parrots have?
o   Why do hunters catch parrots?
o   Where do chimpanzees live?
o   Why are chimpanzees endangered?
o   Where do rainforest frogs live?
o   Why are rainforest frogs endangered?
Action verbs - Photocopy: What is the animal doing? (fotocopias con diferentes acciones y los alumnos las escriben)

11.   Bingo: los alumnos eligen entre las acciones y arman cartones de entre cinco y ocho acciones para jugar.
12.   Writing: Ss write five sentences using CAN/CAN’T + five different animals. (escriben oraciones)
13.   Page 10: Escuchamos el audio y leemos entre todos.

Photocopy: Matching (unir)

15.   A SAFARI ADVENTURE – Pages 11-12-13: Escuchamos el audio y leemos entre todos.
16.   Complete the sentences: 
·           Jack and Molly are ___________________ India.
·           They want to ___________________ an elephant safari.
·           Molly ___________________ how to ride an elephant.
·           Sunil, Sally, Jack and Molly ___________________ into the safari park.
·           Sunil ___________________ them a lot of animals.

17.   Pages 14-15-16-17: Escuchamos el audio y leemos entre todos.
18.   Photocopy: Choose the correct option 
1)      There is a _____ in the tall grass
a.       Buffalo                             b. Leopard                         c. Tiger
2)      A _____ jumps out of a tree.
a.       Buffalo                             b. Leopard                         c. Elephant
3)      They don’t see a _____.
a.       Crocodile                         b. Tiger                                 c. Elephant
4)      _____ eat a lot of food.
a.       Elephants                        b.  Trees                              c. Crocodiles

19.   Pages 18-19-20-21: Escuchamos el audio y leemos entre todos.
20.   Matching: page 27, activity 5. 
21.   Ticking:page 29, activity 8. 
22.   Pages 22-23-24: Escuchamos el audio y leemos entre todos.
23.   Put the story in order: page 28, activity 7. 


Answer the questions

2.       In groups, they choose different endangered animals. They write a paragraph using the questions as a guide and add a sentence using CAN, and another using CAN’T. (Possibility: PRESENT CONTINUOUS – WHAT IS THE ANIMAL DOING IN THE PHOTOGRAPH?)  - Oral Presentations
Possible animals:
·         Amur Leopards
·         Gorrillas
·         Sea turtles
·         Orangutans
·         Sumatran elephants
·         Rhinos
·         Jaguars
·         Pampas Deers
·         Giant Anteaters
·         African penguins

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